Adult franchise (one man/woman, one vote) elections have been held in Pakistan since 1970 and in this timeframe a total of 10 General Elections have taken place, with the 11th scheduled for July 2018. Many local and international organizations have done considerable research and captured valuable data on each of those General Elections, however, much of their work remains hidden in disparate locations and often inaccessible to the general public.
This is an effort to collect and curate all that research and make it available in one central location so that researchers, academics, political pundits, and the general populace alike can all benefit from the valuable work of others and continue to build on top of it.
We are aware this list is not exhaustive, so we request your help in making it more complete. If you know of a publication, website, or data source that may be relevant to this list, please don't hesitate to contact us and let us know about it. Your help will go along way in ensuring that any and all efforts by local and international organizations for a more transparent and open election are made available for everyone's benefit.
Election Commission of Pakistan
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con
Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN)
The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) was established in 2006 as a coalition of 30 domestic non-governmental organizations to observe general elections and mobilize voters in Pakistan. The Asia Foundation facilitated the formation of the network. However, the purpose-based network continued its working even after February 2008 general elections and expanded its scope of work from election oversight and reforms to parliamentary oversight and reforms, governance oversight and reforms and political parties’ oversight and reforms. FAFEN is supported by the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA).
FAFEN has detailed constituency wise reports for many previous elections including computation of details such as Margin of Victory , trend of Voter Turnout, Turnout by Gender , Sociological History of each constituency. These can be accessed at
Punjab Lok Sujag
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Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It’s an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what’s happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.
Alhassan Systems
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con
Gallup Pakistan
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con
Pak Voter
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con
The Election Commission of Pakistan , a permanent government agency tasked with holding elections to various tiers of the government , is the key source on Elections in Pakistan.
Results from all General and Provinicial Elections as well as series of Local Government elections have been made available by them both in print and online on their website.
Moreover, this body is also responsible for delimitation of electoral constituencies at all levels of government, and hence is the primary source of shapefiles for National and Provincial assembly con